You Think Health Insurance Provided by Your Employer is enough????
Think Again.
Nilesh was extremely happy. Apart from getting a hefty salary, his
employer was also providing health insurance. So when his financial advisor
suggested that he take health insurance for himself and his family, he refused
to pay any heed to the advice.
a few months after, his father was rushed to the hospital due to a stroke. He
then realized that the health insurance plan offered by his employer did not
cover his parents. The treatment cost was huge and it had burnt a huge hole in
his pocket.
A corporate health insurance plan is
meant to protect the employee from the burgeoning medical costs. In most
organizations it is mandatory for employees to opt for this, and a certain
amount of money is deducted from the salary towards this policy. The benefits
of this policy can be availed when the employee or any of the covered family
members are hospitalized. Although your employer provided health insurance may be the most affordable, it is not necessarily the complete
solution for your health care needs. Here are some reasons why.
5 Reasons Why Your Corporate Health
Insurance is NOT Enough
1. Your Employer May Make Changes to Health Benefits
Corporate health insurance is a perk
that most companies provide. Your company may decide to make certain changes to
the policy or modify it. In such case you might suddenly realize that you are
left without sufficient cover against many diseases
2. Your Corporate Health Insurance May Not Offer
Sufficient Coverage
Not many employees bother to check the
benefits offered by their employer. Companies may introduce restrictions on
health covers to cut costs. Suppose you want to make more than one claim in a
year, you may have to pay out of your pocket if your corporate health insurance
is exhausted.
Moreover, your employer-provided
insurance will cover hospitalization only. But what if you were to suffer from
a critical illness like a heart disease or cancer? The corporate insurance plan
will not cover the high costs of treatment. This is why you should supplement
your health insurance with a critical illness plan or a top-up cover.
3. Employer’s Health Insurance May Not Cover Your Parents
Employer provided health insurance
usually covers employees, their spouse and children. The cover does not extend
to the parents. So when your father or mother is hospitalized, you will have to
pay out of your pocket and lose all your hard-earned savings. This can be
avoided if you have a family floater policy or a separate senior citizen policy
for your parents.
4. You Lose your Job or are Between Jobs
There are many people who suddenly find
themselves without health insurance when they are switching jobs or when they lose their job. A
medical emergency at that time can topple your budget completely.
5. You Do Not Have Health Cover after Retirement
You have worked for corporate all your
life and availed health insurance offered by the company. But what
do you do when you retire? Buying health insurance in old age is not easy. Although insurance companies do have senior citizen plans,
you may have to undergo medical tests, pay additional premium for pre-existing diseases,
and be subjected to compulsory co-payment features.
While there is no problem in availing
inexpensive health insurance offered by your employer, you should take a
standalone health cover which will help you in times of need.
There are different types of health
insurance policies to suit individual needs. To find the best cover for
yourself, contact us for best health insurance plans.
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